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How to Choose Clothes from Sustainable Luxury Brands: Versace, Burberry, and More

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Reported by: John Doe, Edited by: Josef Jones | Updated: 2021-08-10 06:58:18 | Posted: 2021-08-10 06:27:54
Buying luxury clothes used to be a simple activity because there were only a few brands to choose from in the past. However, with so many brands, deciding where to buy your clothes has become quite complicated as there is so much to consider.  Most of us prefer consistency in terms of our clothing brands. A brand sells you consistency meaning that you know precisely what you will be gaining from them.  Finding a sustainable luxury brand from whom you can buy clothes time and time again is quite tricky. The following are some tips on how to choose clothes from luxury brands like Versace Blueberry and others: 


If you bought clothes from a luxury brand in 2000 and bought a similar piece from the same brand today, you might notice a difference in cloth size. The reason is that cloth sizes are constantly changing.  Therefore, one way to choose a clothing brand is to select one with consistency in their clothing sizes. You can know the dimensions by trying clothes of the same size produced in different years and see how they fit.  The cut of clothes from a brand like Balmain could also change with time. The measurements of the clothes may remain the same, but you will notice a change in the cut.  Therefore, if you want consistency in a clothing brand, you should look for the one that offers the most consistent size and fit.


Brands are very intriguing because a brand could stick with a particular style for a long time and then change it to keep up with fashion trends. If you want to choose a sustainable luxury brand, you should be aware of how their style has changed over the years or is currently changing.  There is nothing wrong with a change in style. However, it can be pretty challenging to know if a brand will work for you if they often change their style.  Many factors could contribute to a brand changing in style, such as mergers, acquisitions, technological improvements, and consumer tastes. However, a sustainable luxury brand should maintain consistency in its style to set them apart from other brands. 


Another characteristic you need to consider when choosing a sustainable luxury brand is the quality of its products. Quality reigns supreme and should be an overarching factor in deciding the brands from whom you want to shop.  Some brands will change their manufacturing or materials without any notice and, in effect, change the quality of their clothes. The fabric, features, stretching ability, and stitching of their clothes change, reducing their quality. Cost-cutting is usually the main reason for detriments in quality. A sustainable luxury brand should diminish the quality of its products. If they do, the changes should be minuscule. You have the choice to switch brands if you do not accept the quality of a particular brand. 

Company Rating

A brand is related to the underlying company, so the quality of the company will affect its brand. If you want to choose a sustainable luxury brand, you should evaluate the company behind it.  Evaluate the company policies, including returns, refunds, and exchange policies. Also, examine where they source their labor, ensuring fair labor practices. You should also determine if it is an eco-friendly company. You should especially investigate their customer support policies as those will most affect you.  The rating of a company by previous customers matters significantly. A sustainable brand should be able to keep loyal customers happy and have a long track record of doing so.  There are so many clothing brands these days, choosing one is a daunting challenge. It is especially so when choosing a sustainable luxury brand. Use the tips above to find a brand that best suits you.

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Reported by: John Doe, Edited by: Josef Jones | Updated: 2021-08-10 06:58:18 | Posted: 2021-08-10 06:27:54

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